Random Political Thought

It used to be that only white male land owners could vote. Today of course we hold that to be racist and sexist. :wink:

The Stern clip is both humorous and incredulous. Many people today couldn’t tell you who the vice president is, nor who are their US senators & congressman. I wonder how many of the dolts in that video actually voted?

Another interesting question to ask them would have been “Do you support Barack Obama in part, because he’s republican?” No doubt some would have blurted “Yes, absolutely!”


I can’t even watch that last one. That’s not funny, that’s stupid. People treated this election like a ball game and now their team won. I asked a TON of Obama supporters my age why they voted for him and what his policies were and none could tell me. They either voted for him because he’s black, promised “change” (yeah), or because it was the cool thing to do(everyone else in college is doing it, i might as well). I have nothing left to say. I’m speechless so no more arguing here. I’m just going to sit back and pray and hope myself and all the other Republicans/Conservatives are wrong about him.

well, just my final thoughts on the election.why did the jobs get shipped over seas,because bush 1 & his new world order. simple objective put more profits in his buddies pockets by hiring poor slave labor waged indivuals and raise the price of the same products, who brought that out?? the republicans. who benefitted from this war bush & chaney they got theirs and will retire soon with more money than their entire family can ever spend in their lifetimes. bush got hussien for trying to kill his daddy chaney made his dough from his corporation that runs everything in iraq. mass the state voted for obama so you pc1 must be the only hold out. don’t fear things will get better thanks to an EDUCATED BLACK MAN ! Imagine that!! :smiley:

why if hes mixed is he only referred to as a black man? why isn’t he a white man? kinda like African Americans… kinda stupid to me if they were born in americaa and have never been to africa why not just be Americans? i never heard anyone refer to mccain as a panama american? kinda stupid so technically if he is mixed hes not the first african american president either

It sounds very much like you’re just mouthing Michael Moore’s ridiculous propaganda. I could write pages worth of stuff to debunk nearly all of Moore’s ridiculous points you’ve written here, but given this is a friendly horn honking forum and I’m out to make friends I’ll let it go :smiley:

I will say this though: While I didn’t support Barack Obama, a part of me is proud today that a black man (American, I hope?) has won the the presidential election. I would have preferred someone with more conservative values… someone for example, like Colin Powell. Nonetheless it’s a little bit exciting to know that a new leader and new administration is taking office shortly. I think it’s good that we’ll receive an infusion of youth and I hope the change will re-energize our country in a positive way. And it will be very interesting to see what affect it will have both on our country and the republican party as it re-establishes itself in the coming years. Rather than block and obfuscate, as the democrats have done for years against Bush, I hope Barack is able to gain some support and accomplish some of his larger goals during his administration.

How’d ya like dem apples ?! :smiley:

I’m not condoning war but it does create a lot of jobs that wouldn’t exist otherwise. Besides, when was the last time some war wasn’t being fought somewhere in the world since WWII.
Sure, it would be nice to put those resources to better use elsewhere but at what cost to our nation’s security.

Honestly guys, I find no need for us to be the “world’s police department” 4,000+ lives lost for what?? let those stinky camel jocks kill themselves off maybe they will do the world a favor.all the money wasted we could have spent that money fixing us instead.all it’s gonna take is one more attack and the loser that pulls it off is gonna get himself and his country vaporized ., count on it!:smiley:

Vaporize one and we all get vaporized.

I go back and forth on the @#$# Iraq war. When I think about John’s point - the lives lost and the thousands more who have sustained debilitating injuries, I don’t know.

What I do think was a mistake is that once we decided to do it, we should have gone 100% and ended it quickly. Winning the hearts and minds was b.s.

not to alarm anyone but nostradomis predicted the end of time to occur in the year 2010.think bout that one!..:eek:

Well then I’d damned well better get going on my new K5LA kit install right away … I have a lot of horn blasting to do & not much time to get my $ worth!

Saddest Pic you will ever see!

if 10 black guys cant run a white castle how can we expect 1 to run the white house

Scaredu is still my hero but 7, you are THE MAN!!!:smiley:

That date falls in line with some Christian beliefs too.

You should post this in the joke thread…:smiley: