S4 Horns Install on '95 Escort?

look what santa brought today:)

santas 3 months late lol…anyways make sure to take buncha pics when u do the install

atleast santa learned to have some fun…

niceeeee jahaha

i’ll try to take some good pics of the install… will probably be similar to the other guy’s escort though

better late than never


OUT with the old and IN with the new:)

that pic right there should explain the difference in sound and volume lol


lol ya…thank god i never went with the seige… i started off right

Hey bro sorry I havent been on been workin a poop ton of hours. Good you took the pics I see. Looks like everything will fit just like mine man this is awesome. Try to get on aim Saturday bro I have the day off. Ill get on here tommorow and post my final install pic so you can have an idea of what to do with the spare tire, and make everything look pretty damm sexy (which it will be lol). Take it easy man.

just got back from vaca today so I couldn’t get on bro… make sure to post those when you get a chance. hopefully I’ll be able to do the install this weekend if the weather is right… can’t wait:D

got the install underway today

here you can see the 3 of the 4 rear mounts mounted to the tire bunker

also I have a wooden-board mounted to the trunk for the compressor and air tank to mount to. was at it for 4-4.5 hours today… all i have to do tomorrow is run the air lines, mount the tank compressor with a few screws, and connect all the wiring (it’s already all there from my previous set up.)

The horn facing backwards is funny because you can see a little less than half of the bell from the back and it looks like a second exhaust:D

can’t wait to hear these things

also want to thank AaronB1989, the guy has helped me so much and I basically did the same install that he did on his escort, only i have zip ties :slight_smile:

looks great. very stealth

How does it soumnd?

thanks twist

idk… it’s not finished yet

Have to put the finishing touches on the install tomorrow but i gave her a blast tonight and HOLY HELL. These things are SO much louder than my old set up i am still in shock:eek:

Good poop bro. Im glad it all worked out like mine. That would be so awesome if we both met up and scared the hell out of people with our MANSCORTS lol. They wouldnt see it coming.

i’m up for it bro

finished up the install today… i think i need to redo my 3/8" air line fittings (from the tank to the valve) because I have a small air leak going on…

air lines…

wooden board where the compressor and tank is mounted (3/4" pine, 37" long x 9 1/4" wide)…

here’s the “finished” product:

and my on-board air setup for filling tires (snap fittings)

I do plan on perfecting this later by doing what aaronb1989 did and getting another wooden board to go over the tire bunker… This way I can mount the spare tire on top of that.

These horns are ridiculously loud… they surpassed my expectations and so far i have scared EVERYONE i’ve blasted :slight_smile:

oh i also wanted to comment on how quick the valve release on these is. SO much faster than my siege horns. It’s like the things go off right before i press the button :smiley:

and of course…

cant say i didnt tell ya! lol