S4 Horns Install on '95 Escort?

lol man i definitely underestimated these things:D

how can i be put in the installs gallery?

email some pics to rigo or garrett and see if they can get it in there for you

That is now in my vocabulary. Manscorts FTW

took a quick vid today… the blast knocked the camera off it’s prop. I am having some sort of air leak while the horn is blasting though because these are eating up a lot of air. This vid was on a full tank and this blast took my tank down to below 165 psi… I timed it at a 1.8 second blast, but i think the compressor turned on before that. Hard to hear when you have a loud donkey horn blasting in the background


nice vid

thats awesome


took another one tonight where you can hear some nice echoing :smiley:


I put my tank where my spare tire went, and as luck would have it, one week after the install I slid into a curb during a thunderstorm and cracked my rim…with no spare…

That ALWAYS happens

okay so I got my horns replaced due to the mysterious air leakage… and I had to upgrade with the XL kit in the process. Got everything installed and finalized the installation. i LOVE these push to connect fittings, why aren’t these on everything? SO MUCH EASIER

Also, I put a 16" x 38" x 3/4" slab of pine down to cover the hole that is the tire bunker, and now my trunk is still a trunk :smiley:

Also I used weatherproof caulking on any holes you see from drilling/mounting.

edit: I also made sure to upgrade with the XL zip ties kit :wink: These horns aren’t going anywhere lol

nice setup ur tank is alsmost liek mine… with the airchuck and blow off valve

nice bro

and i just got done letting someone blast me. it’s definitely louder lol
you can feel this one vibrate your ear drums:eek:

nice install… those push to connect are the poop

well I just opened up the new 1/2 valve and line in a parking gaurage and OMG:eek:

i will take a vid of this… it was insane