too many compressors

i so wish i had $800… lol…

I’d rather work out a deal with Garrett even if it is a few extra bux… customer service goes a long way these days.

You really should learn from your mistakes you know… not repeat them.

kids… I can’t talk too much, I’ve learned the hard way all of my life… But, the important thing is, I did learn. lol

itf its a few bucks i would say custumer service is worth it… but $400, im just gonna hope that the product doesnt brake and not much service will be needed.

ha i know what you mean… pricey toy’s… but i’m sure they will try to get the best deal possible for any of us.

kids…i know you are not talking about me…




we alredy been thru this sh!t …drop it

lol… Like lance said once before, how do you know who and who has not served our country. I myself have. So thank you and your welcome.

This is getting ridiculous. I like this forum and all, but this constant BS needs to stop.

I worked today.
I did not get laid off.
I did not draw any sort of compensation other than what I worked for.
I paid taxes.

In short, I paid your salary if you are part of the armed services.
-You’re welcome, don’t blow your paychecks all at once. - I only make so much a week.


yea, hornblasters tx, i have come to start respecting some of the people on here and your one of them, so dont take this the wrong way, because i agree that kid isnt a good name for anyone getting shot at (unless your in the bronx, then mabye. lol) but i dont think he ment anything by it, and not serving doesnt make you any less of a man or an american, i think you for doing it. but its not for everyone, as for myself, i would go over there in a heartbeat, but when i told my wife-to -be i wanted to join the air force or the air force reserve, she almost cried and begged me not to, and i understand that. so im not going to join. so if someone isnt serving and hasnt served, please dont look down at them and think that there not as much of a man as you are because i havent served, and god knows if she ever left me the first think i would do is find a recruiter.

thats great lolol

Post your military ID or for veterans your “DD Form 214” but cover up your SSN and date of birth first.

thats the funniest thing i’ve heard…

why is that? most people that have served or are serving i respect until givin a reson not too, even if nobody else does, from your posts i have some what a respect for you as well when it comes to horns. is that also funny?

lol ur new so there is a long donkey story behind it…once u stay here longer ull get it

i guess, but if it happened before my time i may never understand unless someone tells me.


Getting a capicitor will not help! Capicitors are for supplying short big bursts of power (like high current motors @ startup or high wattage amps) but do nothing for sustained high current operation of multiple motors. This will not help and you will waste you money.