too many compressors

Again, get a dedicated battery for the compressors. That way it won’t matter whether you’re running 2 or 3 compressors.

extra batteries will help, same with a bigger alt. caps are usefull if used properly.
caps are good for quick bursts like burping a car audio system for 30 seconds
bats are good for a more of a slow draw like shut your car off still be able to run the compressor or playing your system

Thats what I would do, dual batteries with an isolator between them so you do not kill your stock battery. My truck has dual batteries and dual alternators or I would have done the same.

anywere i could get detailed instructions on the proper way of installing one? i dont wanna hurt the alt or eather batt… and there is also the problem of were to put the batt.

Let me google that for you


You drive a pickup right? Put it in a plastic battery box in the bed or build a bracket under your truck. I’m sure space is limited so if you do buy another battery get an optima. They are a little smaller and are gel sealed plus have tons power. As for the battery isolator, you should be able to get one from a regular auto parts store or even better an R.V. supply store. It will come with instructions. They are simple to install.

i think there will be just enough room for one in the tool box were the tank and comp. are going, but thats a lotta money im wire… ima need like 4 or 6 gauge right?

Yeah, you can ground to the frame under the bed (shorter run of expensive wire). Six is fine.

u do want ur ground to be short as possible right?

Almost all metal on your truck is a ground, but always go to a solid one like the nice and cleaned off part of the frame. I sugest you drill a hole in your frame close to the remote battery, take a grinder or wire wheel and buff off the protective coating around the hole to expose bare metal and use a bolt with washers on both sides and a lock washer ontop of that or a thread locking nut. Use a flat washer over your electrical ground connector so when you tighten it you don’t mangle the connector. Do not over tighten, this will cut the connector too.

i was assuming i would use a close ground… that stuffs like a $1or so a foot, ima need 15 to 20 feet, the batt is what $50 or $60, plus $10 for the box and the bolts/screws… ima little under $100 for it, damn!

Well if you get an Optima battery they are a little more but worth the money. I run Dual Optima Red tops and dual alternators with mine. But just my batteries were $380! The wire is never cheap either. Plus I think the battery box is like $20 or so.

there are better batteires out there however im not sure if they would work for his application. also wiring he needs alot for 12+ but not for ground… u want ground as short as possible

I’ve had more Optimas die on me than any other battery I’ve ever had. They don’t like to deep cycle at all. If it were me, I’d stay FAR away from them.

However… if you’re talking about Odyssey batteries - those are about the finest you can buy - IMO.

Lance what about batteries like kinetek???

ok, why couldnt i just get an autozone/walmart batt? all it has to do is power 2 or 3 compressors… or am i missing something…

They will do the job just fine, but where ever you put it make sure you are able to access the top of it for checking acid levels once in a while. Thats why I said Optima cuz they are sealed, no maintenence.

I’m not sure but from what I remember, they are fast charge/discharge batteries for putting out large amounts of energy in a short time. just like caps, more capacity than caps but around the same capacity as standard batts. not sure how they handle deep discharge though. what you need are deep cycle batteries.

so i could just get a marine batt… ima check the price diff. between a deep cycle marine and a regular car batt from wallmart.

I have no experience with Kinetik batteries, but they’re doing a bang-up job marketing them to custom vehicle enthusiasts… When I was in Publishing, I wasn’t too kind to the Optima folks, since my own experience was consistently a negative one. I can’t tell someone to buy something that has continually failed for me personally, ya’ know?