what its the best hid?

i mean what it the one that gives you more output and the one that incoming traffic hate the most?

i have 8000k and i love them but traffic hates them

Honestly they are all going to be bright. really it depends on what color you are going for… . I think 4200 Is pure white… so that would make the road the clearest

yeah i think i will get the 8000k for my headlights and fog lights. i have right now 20k on top and 30k on bottom but it does not give me that output so i will change them next week for sure. thanks guys

that is way to high

yes man i know but when i bought them i like the colors and things but now after 2 years i am tire of that now i want that the incoming traffic hates me lol, where did you bought your hid?

ive had mine since 2003 when i got my truck,theres a place in tampa that had them but there long gone,try ebay or look on tamparacing.com look in the shop forums like jdmups,they ship aswell

i will get it on ebay so 8000k its the one do you recomend me?

yes ill take a pic tonight of mine so u can see them

all right bro thanks!

i say go with the 8000k. I have a set forsale. The bulbs are 9004/7.

also, i have been told the lower the number, the better visibility, the higher the number the more eye fatigue. somethin like that.

all right i will go with the 8000k for sure but you think that the incoming traffic will hate me like? because thats what i want lol

I have 6000K and it’s great. It looks the same as a BMW or new Altima.

And you want oncoming traffic to hate your headlights? That sounds kind of dangerous and selfish, not to mention a good way to get a ticket.

no just said that joking bro i will get the 8000k they give a great output isaw it in youtube

Okay good haha

i have 3 friends with 8000k and mine are 6000k, they all say they wish they would have went with 6000k. IMO any temp above 8000k looks stupid and screams, “Hey cop give me a ticket!.” 20,000K and higher is just plain dumb and it feels like im in a fast and furious movie with a bunch of ricers

so 6000k or 8000k???

I love my 6000… but in the end it’s up to you.

6000k :slight_smile:

8000k is perfect! i guess its really opinion though!