what kind of trouble can you get in w/ train horn?

honk livin in socal

if car has CA lic plate ya

and have it towed to a shop you have 15 days to pay and remove it or they can crush your car
lol not a joke
i know 1 person that has got his car crushed but he got hit for horns and
street racing.

it’s more likely to get a
dtp and noise ticket
with a 50% chance of tow
i have 3 noise tickets for the horn and 31 noise tickets for bass (first was 537.00 then when down to 51.00 ea i guess they gave up trying to make me quit lol.)
well i have 3 speeding tickets to 1 in the ranger 1 in my honda and 1 test driving a lambo:D

LOL I had 1 gulf breeze cop and 3 state troopers chase me down juss to write me a ticket for $76.50 but i scared the hell out of em so it was worth it i think…HONK HONK!

too funny blastin they spent about 200.00 in labor & gas to give you a 76.50 ticket. lol. my son lives outside the back gate of nas p-cola. he used to own “reefers aquatics” near NAS. :smiley:

stupid cops

My co-workers brother is a lawyer and said that someone can actually sue you for assult if you itentionally scare them with your horn.

i wouldn’t be surprised. It seems like people will sue for just about anything to make some money.

yea but theres alot required to get that law suit going… believe me…lol

oh well guess i got a long line of lawsuits coming =)

lol can u sue for a premediated horn honk assault? LOL cuz we all talk about who were goin to scare in the future…lol

urban horn honking assault vehicle

I like the sound of that

Yeah…knowing the other side a little bit…

In Oregon all the officer needs is probable cause or reasonable suspicion to initiate a search of the vehicle. Interpretation of the law is the key here. Best thing to do is NOT give too much attitude to the officer.

As for me, I’m on “the dark side” (relative to the discussion here) BUT, I’m still a Hornblasters fan. I drive a little Toyota Yaris to the precinct and I’m about to put a horn kit on my car. Do I know that it’s technically illegal? Maybe…maybe not.

Some of you know what a Yaris is…It’s a small little sub-compact rubber duck on the road. Personally, I’m very tired of getting cut off by clueless soccer moms and A-hole drivers jsut because they can. Yes, I could easily take a plate, run it through the MDC and get payback but that’s a hell of a bother when I’ve got more important things to do.

I’d only use the horns for “emergency” situations anyway

god i think i love this guy. blast them soccer moms away!
maybe put some hornblasters.com logo’s on that car and try to get some more blues in on it:rolleyes:.
i bet if they did it to we get less tickets lol:D

see in socal we have big malls to blast

this is the block at orange it’s 1 big out door mall we have lots of them

florida laws FTW! consent has to be given to search a vehicle here, semis and rednecks run around here with k5las and rs-5ts on the tops of their trucks

why put it on top of the vehicle?!? thats dumb

if it looks good show it off but takes a lot of the shock out of it:p

i think mounting it bed level behind the cab would look sweet

i want to mount them on my house!! lol

It would be great to mount them in a public bathroom lol… oh the possibilities are endless. :smiley: